Monday, February 2, 2009

Busy weekend

Saturday we went to meet with a bunch of other people who have deisel trucks. It was fun. They did dyno testing to see how much horsepower they have (Makes Tim the toolman taylor grunt).

Shelby liked watching the smoke, but wasnt too fond of the revving of the engines. So we went to our truck and she passed out on mommy.

Jim also got new toys that he had to show off. They are really cool. They make sounds just like in the movies. He is also extremely excited because he's from Pittsburg and they won the superbowl blah blah blah. :p jk, I was fine with it. It was a good game. Pretty close though. Back to normal life now!! Well as normal as it ever gets at our house.

Darth Clancy

February is here!

Wow I'm pretty sure I lost January in there somewhere. What a crazy time. It's been a little rough but we've made it okay. Christmas was wonderful. We had a great time having everyone over to our new house. I need to put up some new pictures of our fabulous paint job. We had a lot of fun. Work has been going well for me. I'm hoping to complete some cross training I've been working on. Lots of goals for the year.

I had a presentation last week in our department on how attitude affects everything we do. It went great. Everyone knows that life can be challenging but it's not what your given but what you do with it. Like the old saying goes, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade! Well I've had a few lemons over the past couple months, along with some very sweet raspberries! So it has it's ups and downs. I truly believe that its when we go through hard times that we really find out who we are. Over the past year I have discovered that I am an amazingly patient person. Mom may not agree :p but when it really comes to the important things, I have been able to suck it up and take it in stride. Between paying off debt, getting the house, moving (we all know how fun that is), Donald losing his job, being a full time worker, full time Mom and full time partner. Man does it wear you out. But despite the challenges of everyday living in this economy I have handled it fairly well. And looking forward to the new opportunities coming my way. One of the things I found when I was working on my presentation was a quote from Dr. Vicktor Frankl a survivor from a Nazi death camp. He lost his parents, his brother and his wife. Suffered years of hunger, cold & brutality. And this is what he said about his experience.

"Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms- to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose on'es own way. ...Even though conditions such as lack of sleep, insufficient food and various mental stresses may suggest that the inmates were bound to react in certain ways, in the final analysis it becomes clear that the sort of person the prisoner became was the result of an inner decision, and not the result of camp influences alone."

We often forget how great we really have it. Doing my research reminded me how truly blessed I am. I love my family and my friends. I'm greatful for the roof over my head, the food on my table, the truck I drive, the job I have, the freedoms I am blessed with for living in this country. And an everlasting God who despite my failings over the past years has never really let me down or forgotten me, even when I ignored Him.

God bless everyone, big and small, rich and poor, happy and sad for we are all, each and every one of us, children of God.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Here comes December.

Just an update on all things crazy. This past week has been nuts and a little trying. We found out wednesday that Aunt Sue's fiance passed away that morning before he got into town. So prayers for her are appreciated. Thursday we left for our hunting/camping trip. It went very well. Donald, Brandon & Don's friend Larry were drawn for bull elk and each got one. Donald got a very large 6x6. I'll put a picture up soon. But just a general idea it is around 400lbs of meat.

I do have a very serious prayer request for us, Donald got laid off yesterday. So we are in a tough situation. So if you could please keep us in your prayers. We're hoping he'll get something soon.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Plans for the rest of the year

Wow November is almost over. Just to give you an idea of everything going on here's what we have going on for the rest of the year:

20th-Mona Vie tasting party with Dad
21st-Jenn's 3 year anniversary at Nautilus
22nd-Sun's game and date night to celebrat our anniversary :)
23rd-Getting ready for our camping trip
24th-Jenn's HR team event-going bowling
25th-Jenn & Donald's anniversary
26th-Packing! Aunt Sue's wedding
27th-Thanksgiving! Leaving for our camping trip
28th-Dec 3rd-Camping in the wilderness for Elk season (oh goodie)
6th-Out of the Darkness walk in the AM-Jenn & Shelby. Don's 50th B-day party (Donald's Dad!)
7th-Probably celebrating Mom's birthday!
8th-Mom & Don's birthday
13th-Autocross thing with Daniel
14th-Christmas Musical

I'm sure there will be new things popping up. We have paint for the inside of the house, though I'm doing my best to convince Donald that he's crazy if he thinks I'm painting before the first of the year. I hope everyone has a lovely holiday season if I don't get to talk to you.

Lots of love!

The Bonesteel crew

Monday, November 10, 2008


Saturday was my company picnic. Shelby got to ride on a pony. It was a lot of fun to see everyone out and about having fun. I hope everyone had a good weekend!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Getting ready for the weekend

So here's the plan for the rest of the week. Tomorrow I took the day off, I have a checkup appointment at the doctors and so does miss Shelby. Donald leaves to go deer hunting with his dad and brother (uh, yay? not so much) So after he leaves we'll be taking miss Rosie to Gramma's house so I can get some sleep this weekend. Which I did not get last weekend when he was gone. Then friday I'm dressing up as a pink pixie for work. I will be very pink and dramatic lol. Should be awesome. And then I believe the boys are going to come over and eat pizza and hand out candy with me. And so far that's it for plans. Going to try to relax, get some more reading in and just hang out with my peanut. Probably go eat lunch at Nana and Papa's house on Sunday.

Surgery update

Just an update on Tom's mom. She had heart surgery yesterday. They did 5 bypasses. She came through it great.